Tuesday May 12, 2015 Guerneville CA.
A windy day so I stayed home
I didn’t have to look at the weather report today to know it was going to be a windy day as the big trees were already blowing in my yard.
So instead of going down to Jenner to kayak, I stayed home and puttered around the yard doing little projects and chasing the birds out of my cherry trees.
Beating the birds to the cherries
The birds are eating my cherries before they really get ripe so the only thing I can do is eat them before they get ripe enough for them to eat them. That means I have to eat them before they get real ripe and soft and juicy which is how the birds like them. I’ve found they have a hard time eating them until they get soft enough to get their little beaks into them, so I’ve also learned to eat them while they are still firm with just a little red on them and since they are right off the tree, they are still real tasty and I can beat the birds to some of them.
My back tells me I have to quit for the day
I did some weeding and digging and pretty much wore myself out and had to stop. Well, I really had to stop because my back said I couldn’t do any more, so I sat around the rest of the day and just enjoyed myself, between going in the house and laying on my cold pack which helped a lot to relieve some of the pains.
It’s looking a little like rain out there right now, but it hasn’t started yet and right now, I’m not sure it’s going to rain, but we’ll see. If it does, it will make the weeds grow some more, so I’ll have to do some more weed mowing.
I did get a lot done in the yard, but spring time there is always a lot to do cleaning things up and doing some fire prevention cleaning up dead leaves that fell last winter.
I had planned to plant some things in the garden as far as food crops, but the back put a stop to that for now.
That pretty well wrapped up my day.