Rain All Day

Tuesday January 2, 2023 Guerneville CA.


Just as I got it going today, the rain started and it rained all day long. And those wood chipper guys started early again, but had to quit when it started to rain.

That meant an inside day

Yep, I was stuck in the house for the day. Now, I could put on my rain gear and go outside. The forest can be real interesting when it’s raining. But I  had other stuff to do so I stayed in for the day.


One of those things I had to do was buy some stuff on Amazon, but first I had to research the stuff I wanted to buy.


One of the main things I wanted was some way to fuel up Skiddy and the dozer, as lifting a five gallon container way up in the air with one of those stupid safety things that just slow down the pour and break my back needed to be taken care of.

I researched all the different methods and decided some kind of transfer pump that ran on 12 volts might be the answer. Of course there are many types of pumps to do this.

I finally just decided on one and ordered it up.

I had about five other things I needed and got them ordered up too.

Other than that, I watched some YouTube stuff and did some napping.

Since it was raining I did some cooking too. Mostly stuff that took some time to cook.

Blog update

I got an email from the guy that is suppose to do the transfer. He figures it’s going to be a pain and said I might have to pay a real expert to fix the site up right after they get it transferred. I paid him the fee to start the transfer and gave him the go ahead. I just want to get this done.

Nice day.

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One Response to Rain All Day

  1. Judith says:

    Ah a rainy day again for you. Enough to stay inside. Well, there was one here yesterday, and I love them as they are so rare….a good book and drizzle are good things around here. Sounds like you found things to do…..including more iffy things about the blog transfer. Good luck.

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