Raining, Shower Valve Fixed and Happy Chickens

Friday December 13, 2019 Guerneville CA.

Light rains

It was raining lightly this morning as I woke so no need to get it going too soon.

But eventually it was time to get it going so I did. Out to let the chickens out and feed them and then back in the house to stay dry.

Working on the shower valve

I needed to put some new seals in my shower valve as it’s leaking a bit so I started getting the tools and seals together to do the job. I didn’t have much to do today so I took  my time at this and had another cup of coffee before I got the job started which is a good thing as I always think of more stuff I need for the job.


The thing about working on shower valves is there is no shutoff at the valve so the house valve gets shut off which means if the job goes bad and the old valve gets messed up the whole house won’t have any water until the problem with the valve gets fixed, the worse case is when the valve has to be replaced so I needed to be careful.

Grease is the ticket

I finally got to taking the valve apart and it came apart easy and was a bit greasy. That was actually good as it meant I put a coat of grease on the parts the last time I was in there so nothing was stuck and nothing got broke getting things apart. The new seals were installed in about 5 minutes and I got it all back together for the test.

I turned the house water back on and checked out the valve. It seemed to work and not leak so all was good.

Dirty shower

But now I could see the shower sure needed a good cleaning so I worked on that a bit. More needs to be done on that but good enough for now.

Fixing potatoes for the chickens

I put on a pot of old potatoes that were going bad for my tastes in the instant pot and cooked them up for the chickens. Chickens don’t like raw potatoes but they sure like them cooked. I gave them half of them and saved the rest for tomorrow. They sure gobbled them up.

Computing and naps

It was still raining lightly in the afternoon so I spent most of it inside doing some posting on the Corn Avoidance List I belong to with a nap here and there too and before I knew it, it was time to go out and shut the chickens up for then night.

Nice easy day.

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One Response to Raining, Shower Valve Fixed and Happy Chickens

  1. George Yates says:

    Always nice to get some inside jobs taken care of on a rainy day and a plumbing repair with no leaks is a bonus as well.

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