Fog, Clouds and Sun Paddling Around the Russian River Estuary After the Rain Showers

Thursday December 12, 2019 Jenner CA.

Showers let up

The weather guys said the rain showers would stop around noon today so that meant I should head on down to Jenner for a yak in the estuary.

Only me on the river

I arrived about noon and put my boat in the water, the only one on the river was me. I paddled across to Penny Island and sat a spell to figure out which way to go today. Eventually I headed on up the river a bit.river


A favorite spot

I went by here but stopped for awhile to do some contemplating of things. I like the little channel in here and when the water is high enough I like to pull into this spot and sit awhile as it’s a nice spot, one of my favorite


I pulled on into the little channel as far as I could go and turned around and sat.islandbird


My view from the sitting spot in the little channel, looking back towards the little town of Jenner.sitspot


Paddling up the river

Eventually I headed on up the river at a slow pace. There were some ducks on the water I paddled on past.upriver


Turn around spot

I paddled on up about a mile and sat in this spot watching


Osprey in the water

I heard an osprey across the river from me but I couldn’t make out where it was from that spot until I crossed over the river and saw it sitting in the water bathing and preening.osprey


I continued on down along the shoreline looking for birds and critters along the shore.rock


There were quite a lot of ducks on the water as I continued on down along the shoreline.ducks


Fogs moving around

I stopped in this spot for a bit watching as the fog moved in a bit.foggy


I decided to continue on down towards the river’s mouth by the ocean, stopping in this spot for a bit to check things out.island


Down near the island’s bottom end I went by these turkey vultures that had been feeding on a dead dear on the island which I saw when I went on by.vultures


River’s mouth area always nice

From there I crossed over the river and headed to the open river’s mouth where there were lots of birds flying around.birds


Rough ocean and noisy

Ocean waves were breaking on he jetty and making a lot of noise as I looked out the open river’s mouth.pels


Fog’s clearing

Lots of nice clouds in the sky as I watched the fog clear a


Did get some sun

It was getting close to sundown as I left the area and headed back towards the boat ramp.sun


Fox on a rock

As I approached the boat ramp I heard someone behind me say, did you see that fox on the rock you just passed. I said no I was day dreaming and didn’t see it.

As I looked back, sure enough there was a fox laying on the rock I just went on


Not everyone winters over in Arizona

The guy was in a kayak and it was Oreck a guy form Europe that winters over here in Jenner that I’d talked with before. We chatted for a bit then he took off and I loaded my boat on my car and drove on home.

It was just getting dark as I pulled into my driveway so I checked on the chickens but they weren’t quite ready to go to roost so I went in the house for a nap for a bit, then went out and closed up the chickens for the night.

Nice day paddling on the river.

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