Rainy, Wet, Nice Day For a Ride In the Forest

Wednesday March 12, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Rainy day

It started raining this  morning  and continued on through the day.rain1

I went out and fed the chickens and returned to the house. rain2

The chickens didn’t seem to mind the rain too much. Although when it really pours, they all head for cover.hens3

Old road inspection

Around one, I donned full rain gear and hopped in Hondo for a ride up into the forest to see how the old road I’ve been working on was fairing. It wasn’t a lot of rain today, only about an inch. It was enough to show  me where the water was draining on the old road.hondo4

I rode up  through the state park. Not many people in there today. Lots of water forms on the redwood forest floor when it rains.water5

You can see the water running down the road as I go through the big trees.water6

Needs rock

This road  needs more rock on it to keep the water from flowing down it. It’s actually the start of the old road I’m working on. I’m going to try and get the park guys to rock this part as they have the equipment to do it.road7

I made it up to the gate and let myself through it. The old road I’ve been working on starts to climb the hill steeply just past this gate. All was looking good so far on the road.gate8

Steep part, out sloping

I was especially concerned about this part, the steepest part of the road, and it’s mostly straight up and down so it was hard to keep the water from running down it. I tried to add a lot of rock before this rain, putting most of the rock on the high side of the road as to make the road slope off to the low side which is on the right here. Doing this seems to be making a big difference as there’s very little water running down the road. Eventually, I’ll add more rock on the high side to make the out slope even more.

This is looking down part of the steep part of the road. It was six inches of mud ruts from tires, before I added the rock and the out slope.road10

I expected to have some problems with water going across ditches on the road and running down the road instead. There’s a ditch crossing the road in this spot which I shoveled out a bit. Even though some water is running down the road, it’s miner. Another course of rock should make a big difference and improve the out slope even more.ditch9

Checking things out

Most of the road was looking good. I drove up and down the road several times to note where water was flowing, so I can improve things even more.

Ride in the rain

It was still raining but starting to let up a bit. Seemed like a good idea to go for a little ride around the forest in the rain, just to enjoy the day.

I rode on over to the Guerneville overlook. I expected the view down to the town of Guerneville would of been fogged in.hondo12

It was, but not completely. That’s rain, not really fog.guerneville

Nice day.

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