Roofing the Coop Door and Trying to Take It Easy

Saturday May 19, 2018 Guerneville CA.

A little roof

The main project today was to put a little roof over the chicken shed door.

Here’s the parts I’m assembling for the job.roof


Clearing the door

I installed it high enough to clear the door I thought.roof2


Not high enough

But when I went to shut the door in the evening the door hit the roof just barely so I’ll have to adjust that later.door


Burying the fence wire

I dug some more ditches around the pen to bury the the underground wire that will keep critters from digging under it and moved some good dirt into the ditches that I removed the driveway rock.

I also worked on getting the watering system hooked up for the chicken pens as each pen will have a sprinkler on top of it that will be controlled by automatic timers. I will need to run water pipes later and put water faucets around the area to get rid of the long hoses I’m using now.

Taking it easy

I spent the rest of the day chair hopping and doing some planning. I think I did a better job today taking it easy than I did yesterday.

That was my day for a restful one.

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One Response to Roofing the Coop Door and Trying to Take It Easy

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Sure didn’t look like the door would hit in your first picture. Must be an illusion!
    A little adjustment will do the trick. :)
    Glad you had a bit of a restful day.

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