Door Works, Got Around the Apple Tree and Building Panels

Sunday May 20, 2018 Guerneville CA.

Reworked the door roof

Once I got started today, I removed the  door roof and raised it up an inch and screwed it back down and it looked like this. The door doesn’t hit the roof now.door


Getting around the apple tree

I’ve been studying this apple tree. It’s in the way, but I don’t want to remove it so what to do to put the pen in. I finally decided to extend the pen four feet to get to the other side of it for my next enclosure I will build.tree


Building panels

So I cut rebar and welded it together. I made five panels today, but I didn’t get the wire on them yet.panels


Mowed down some weeds

In the evening I gassed the weed mower and mowed weeds until the mower stopped, ran out of gas I think. That was enough for me.

I also turned the water on to water my garden a bit.water


That was it for me today for a nice one.

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