Shed Moving Day

Tuesday July 23, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Shed moving

The plan was to move the shed onto it’s new spot today, on the left side of this picture. The shed was over to the right and needs to be moved about sixty feet or so to it’s new location.flat1


I hooked a chain onto two corners of the shed and onto Skiddy’s bucket and pulled it near it’s spot.chained2

The shed is in it’s new spot, but needs some slight adjustment to get it right where I think I want it.dragging3

I moved the chain to two more of the shed’s corner’s for one last little adjustment.hooked4

One last little pull and that should do it.dragging5

The shed is looking good in it’s new spot.shed6

Leveling it up

Now I needed to level the shed up so I used a digging bar and some blocks to left it up and used a level to level up the inside of the shed and blocked it into this level position.leveler7

Once I had it all leveled up, I shoveled some rock under the steel foundation pieces which will hold it in place when I take the blocks out.leveledup8

The Kat checked it all out. It’s leveled up and now I’ll need to get some more rock to bring up the rock floor a bit, but not today.kat9

Nice day.

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One Response to Shed Moving Day

  1. KennyD says:

    Nice to have the skid steer when you need to move something of any size. Nice looking shed, by the way

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