Shopping and a Paddle at Monte Rio to Check on the Steelhead Fishermen and Internet Connection Problems

Wednesday December 7, 2016 Guerneville CA.

What to do today

Today was supposed to be windy and rainy so I wasn’t sure what I would do with the day.

Darn a temp crown fell off

But when I got it going one of my temporary crowns fell off which  meant I needed to see my dentist so I called thinking I would get an appointment today, but not until tomorrow. They gave me some glue when I got the thing installed yesterday, but darn if I could find it.

Looked like a good time to do some shopping

So, I decided to go down to town and do some shopping and then go down and see about kayaking somewhere.

I did the shopping and drove down to Monte Rio. When I arrived, there was no wind and it was only spitting as far as the rain went, so I put my boat in the water.

Monte Rio look good for a paddle

There were a bunch of ducks there to greet me.bridge


Once of the mallards came over to say hi. Ha, bet it wanted something to eat.mallard


I headed on down the river as I could see a couple guys in boats steelhead fishing down there.down


Steelhead fishermen

It looked like Steve and Darwin and Darwin was


I stopped and talked with Steve for a while. No bites. Not much happening on the steelhead front yet. It’s still early in the season.boat


I paddled on down the river just a bit, not very far. It was trying to rain.rain


I stopped and sat in this debrie pile for a bit.woodpile


Showers are picking up

The rain showers were picking up so I was thinking I should head back up the river just in case it started pouring, so I headed up along here.riverup


Steve was still fishing away. He had an umbrella so he wasn’t planning to leave unless the rain got real heavy.

As I was talking with him a heavy shower hit so I headed on up towards the boat ramp.

The shower stopped for now as I approached the boat ramp on the left.ramp


I paddled on in and put the boat on the car and went on home and put my groceries away. I brought in some firewood before the real rain storm hits tonight so I’d be ready.

That was my day.

No phone, no internet

I was going to post this tonight, but I find my phone doesn’t work now. It was scheduled to be repaired today. It was working a little, but now nothing. No phone, no internet.

I got my flashlight and walked next door intending to use  my brothers phone to call my provider. As I was walking over there I could see some flashing yellow lights outside his gate. Ha, the phone guys are working on my line, so I talked with them a bit. They were working in the dark and in the rain, looking for a good line to get me fixed up. That was about an hour ago and it’s still not working.

If they get her fixed, I’ll post this blog.

They didn’t get her fixed

No and they messed things up even more as now they knocked out  my internet too. I’ll have to call tomorrow, which is today.

So, I tried to call in today in the morning, but things only got worse. I couldn’t remember my internet providers phone number so I dialed 611 the phone service number, which was even a bigger disaster. It would only connect me to ATT, not and even worse it was all in Spanish. I tried several times and only got my blood pressure to rise very high.

So next I went next store to my brothers house and used his computer to get’s phone number then went home and and called support, but there was a long wait list, so I choose the we’ll return your call. But, when the recorder said the number they’d call, it wasn’t mine, so I input the correct number and hung up and waited for over an hour and no call back. I was suspicious they had moved my line to another number by now and was thinking this is quite the mess.

I checked my blood pressure and it measured 165 over 80 which was way over my norm.

One more try

It was noon  by now and I was thinking I’ll give it one more try so I called When the lady asked where to direct my call, I said, I’m not sure as this phone is so messed up so bad, …………….can you just take a message. She said one moment and the music came up, but this time a person came on and eventually we figured out they had moved my line to another phone number by mistake. which also knocked my internet out. OK, get her fixed.

Headed out to get the temp crown glued

So from there I went over to my dentist to get this temporary crown fixed up and glued back on. It wasn’t fitting right so she shaped it better and glued it back on.

Then  I went on to Andy’s Produce in Sebastopol to look for some Buckwheat noodles as it seems in addition to corn, I’m finding out that I’m also intolerant of wheat type gluten, so no more wheat for me. I need to find other stuff to replace that food group so I can keep eating.

And still no internet

So, here it is dark and no internet service yet. I hope they fix it tonight as they seem to be working during the night.

So, I wait. :O)

Still waiting Friday morning, no internet. Drove down to Ray’s house to post. Won’t get fixed until Saturday. Yuck

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