Short Paddle, Monte Rio to Villa Grande and Back

Sunday January 31, 2016 Monte Rio CA.

Not windy at Monte Rio

After checking the weather and seeing it was going to be real windy down at Jenner today, I drove on down to Monte Rio where I knew the wind would be a lot less.

Since I cleaned off a lot of the mud on the boat ramp yesterday, I was able to get in the water without getting muddy.

The river was up five or six feet above summer level and a bit muddy. Muddy enough so no one was fishing.

There was some current, but not too bad in most places.

This was what it looked like as I started down the river at Monte Rio, just in front of the boat ramp.monterio


There was some wind but the sun was out and if I could stay in the sun it was warm enough.

I was drifting with the current moving down river


This is just above Villa Grande where I’m headed.upriver


Villa Grande Hole

At the Villa Grande hole here, I pulled into the right and sat in my boat for a good while. Not much was happening today with the wildlife.villa2


After an hour or so, I started back up the river along the edges to stay out of the current. I was stopped here taking a break when I noticed something moving across the river from me.sittingspot


It turned out to be Andrew and his big dog. I paddled over to say hi and shot the bull for an hour or so.bigdog


I sat here while I shot the bull with Andrew, looking up the river.river3


Andrew was on the shady side of the river where the sun was being blocked by the mountain, so I was getting real chilled while I talked with him. When he left, I crossed back over the river to the sunny side an sat and warmed up a bit before starting on up the river.

This turtle had the same idea as far as getting some warm sun.turtle


There was only one spot I had to work at going back up river that the current was a bit strong, just below the boat ramp at the top of the slot, by the little island. It wasn’t too bad, but I did have to paddle a bit to get through it.

I pulled into the mostly de-mudded ramp here and loaded my boat and went on home.ramp


I had some plans to do some things in the yard, but at home, it was cool out and I got chilled so I spent the rest of the day in the house doing mostly nothing.

That was my day.

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