Skiddy Maintenance and Helping the Neighbor With His Skid Steer Problems

Saturday July 27, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Greasing Skiddy

I got the grease gun out and a rag to grease Skiddy.gun1

It’s not very hard to do as there’s no grease fittings under the rig and they are mostly on the boom and bucket where they are easy to get to.skiddy2

Neighbor’s skid steer

I was getting ready to adjust the tracks when my neighbor Jerry came over as he wanted some help getting his skid steer to work as it wouldn’t move nor would the bucket hydraulics work. My job was to measure things and then tell Jerry what to do looking for the problems.jerry3

Wire mess

Yes, it was a big mess of wires that lots of other people had messed with in the past, by-passing stuff or anything else they had to do to fix whatever problem they had. In other words, things were a big mess to work on, but it needed to be done.wires4

I’d measure some stuff then tell Jerry to follow that wire or where’s the relay, follow the wire to it. Check the fuses and so on.jerry5

We tracked a relay that was in the wrong place and that got the machine to move, but still no hydraulics to the bucket.wires6

I pinned it down to one relay, that was turning on, but not putting voltage to the wire that would make things run. The relay seemed to be ok and I kept getting weird readings on my meter, so something seemed to be shaky.pin7

That’s when I noticed the main supply wire to the battery clamp wasn’t fastened down properly, but it was time to quit before we could get that checked out for being the problem to his woes.

Back to Skiddy

You don’t want the rubber tracks to come off so it’s important to check the track tension by jacking it up like this and measuring the track sag.skiddy8

Adjusting tracks

You pump grease in it to adjust the tracks. Both tracks needed a little adjustment, which I did and put things back together.aduster9

Nice day.

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4 Responses to Skiddy Maintenance and Helping the Neighbor With His Skid Steer Problems

  1. Judith says:

    That wiring is really a bad case of spaghetti.

  2. A James says:

    Hi Bob,seems to me you now have the machines on hand to just about tackle any project on the properties.In the past we had a small bulldozer that was pretty handy on the farm; some track & drive problems we had the dealer advised that we we were not keeping all the mud/dirt cleaned out-thereafter we pressure washed it frequently & no further issues.All the best, always interesting.

    • Bob says:

      Hi James,
      I have been a bit concerned about the dirt on the sproket. I did clean it off a few times when I first got it. Most of the mud builds up around the drive sprokets. All the bottom rollers seem to clean themselves off pretty good. I guess I should invest in a pressure washer to make removing the mud from the sprokets easier so it gets done more frequently.

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