Some Yard Work and Some Forest Work

Saturday July 20, 2024 Guerneville CA.

I did a few things around the yard this morning, like watering and moving some woodchips for mulch.

Work in the forest

After that and because it was warming up, I sharpened the chainsaw and gassed and oiled it and loaded it in Hondo.

Game cam

I stopped here to retrieve my trail cam pics. Mostly foxes, jack rabbits and deer were in those pics.

The cam is on the tree to the left of Hondo and watches this Y intersection.cam1

Clearing downed trees

From there I headed on up the hill to where I knew this tree was down across the road near the top.tree2

The chainsaw will make quick work of this tree to remove it off the road.tree3

That didn’t take long and now I can pass on by.wood5

I headed to the top of the hill for a break from there and then headed on down the backside of the  mountain to this spot to cut another tree off the road.rig7

It was a small tree and didn’t take long to remove.treecutup6


I  headed on down the hill from there and stopped here for a drink of water at this spring.spring8

A cup makes it easier to get a good drink of water.water9

I was headed over to another road, I wanted to check out to see about fixing it up, but only got to here where I had to stop for this big tree across the road.tree10

It was a pretty good sized one.tree11

And it’s stump was precariously hung up on the hillside.stump12

I decided not to cut this one out of the way for now and turned around and went another way.

King snake

I spotted this king snake crossing the road in front of me. It crawled into the ditch.

I was watching it.kingsnake

It started to crawl up the hill, when it started into a hole. It was a few inches in the hole with the rest of it’s body looked like the head was striking something in the hole a few times and then it crawled into the hole and was gone.snake

Snake track

Not far from there, at the turn around, I spotted this snake track. Looks like a rattle snake track to me, but no snake around.snaketrack

I checked out the road I wanted to see and then headed down towards home, but stopped at this water pool for a bit on the way.pool

Nice day.

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