Storm Damage, Neighbor Visit and a Ride To the Ocean

Monday February 5, 2024 Guerneville  CA.

Rain stopped

The recent storm has passed and today was pretty nice out. I checked out my yard for damage. Lots of stuff has fallen out of the big redwood trees in my driveway.Yard1

These are a couple of redwood tree limbs that fell. I moved them off the driveway so I could get by as I was heading out on a bike ride up into the forest to visit a neighbor.limbs2

I also wanted to see how  much damage the storm caused up in the hills.

I took off up this road. Lots of water coming out of the hills.water4

I was headed over to visit one of my neighbors I hadn’t seen in quite some time. This was the first tree that blocked the road. I was able to break off enough branches to pass on by.trees5

Not far from that, I ran into this big tree about 3 feet in diameter. I was able to squeak by on the left.bigtree6

And this next one was too much for me to remove, so I was able to get around it on the grass on the right.trees7

I  made it by all the downed trees and was headed to this neighbor’s place up ahead a short distance.view8

There was only one lady home so I shoot the bull with her for a bit. She offered me some fresh oranges off their tree before I  left, so I picked three of them. Yummy. Those are a treat.


I stopped at this spring to get a drink of water.spring9

And eat a fresh off the tree orange.orange10

Once I got back to the bottom of the hill I took this trail by the creek.creek11

And I rode down through here, almost home.trail12

I needed a nap when I got home and was thinking I should take a ride down to the ocean as I haven’t done that in a long time. I used to be down there every day kayaking.

At 4, I  made myself go down to the ocean.

I’m headed to the ocean, about another mile ahead. The grass is looking nice and green down this way.road13


I pulled into the overlook at the river’s mouth and looked out over the ocean. This is where the river runs into the Pacific Ocean.river14


A close up of some of the harbor seals resting down there on the sandy beach.seals

There were two guys sitting there at the overlook enjoying the day, so I shot the bull with them for a good while.

I left as the sun was headed down and headed for Monte Rio to check the river there.sky16

Monte Rio

This is a view of the river at the boat ramp. It’s up pretty high and the boat ramp is under water.river16

I made it back home. My brother Tom wanted to get the generator started so we did that. The power guys say they should have our power back on by Tuesday by 10PM.

Nice day.

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