Tahkennitch Lake, Oregon, Camp

Tuesday October 29, 2013 Tahkenitch Lake, OR.


I met Steve at Arizona Lodge this morning and we headed North about a hundred miles to Tahkenitch Lake. The guy who runs the Arizona Lodge directed us to this spot on CR 49 off 101 about six miles.

It turned out to be a nice little spot to camp and kayak.

We set up camp and relaxed a bit, then we went for a little kayak trip down the lake finger looking around.

This is our camp spot by the lake, just as we paddled away from it.camp


This is the view looking up the finger from our campsite.lakeview


We stopped here for a break for awhile.lakeview2


As the sun got lower in the sky, the lake surface turned to a mirror and this is what it looked like as we paddled along.lakeview4


Steve hooked a small salmon for dinner and we were set.dinner


Steve showing off the Coho salmon he caught.IMG_4745


We stayed out for a couple hours, then we went in and I had a nap and we got dinner ready to go and got the campfire lit too, as it seemed like it might get a little on the dewy side tonight.

Steve also put out one of my crawdad traps so we might be eating some of them tomorrow if all goes well.

We are thinking of going for a yak in the morning before moving on to some other waters.

Back out to the camp fire for me and soon to bed too.

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