Taking It Easy Riding Around the Forest In the Hills

Wednesday August 14, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Chair hopping

I usually start out the day that way, sitting around the yard taking it easy until I decide what I’ll do that day.

I was thinking a ride in the forest and just take it easy today would be nice. This is my view up the hill where the forest is. Actually, it’s all around me.sky1


I rode Hondo up to visit a neighbor high on the hillside up this road.road2

They have a nice view from up there and we had a nice visit.view3

After that, I just rode around the properties and enjoyed the day, mostly.

I did have to stop and cut this little tree off the road. I knew about it so I had the small chainsaw with me and I made quick work of it.tree4

And I made it to our rest area for a break where there is always this nice view.voew5

I was getting thirsty and I knew where there was a spring near by so I rode down to it.spring6

I enjoyed a nice fresh cup of spring water.water7

From there I worked my way towards home taking the long way and spent the rest of the day taking it easy in my yard. I did do a tiny bit of blackberry vine cutting.

Nice day.

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One Response to Taking It Easy Riding Around the Forest In the Hills

  1. KennyD says:

    Gotta have a “blow” day once in a while.

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