Too Much Work So I Went For a Paddle Instead

Wednesday May 29, 2019 Jenner CA.

Avoid work go for a paddle

The best way to avoid work is to go kayaking on the river so I headed out to Jenner this morning. I put the boat in the water and paddled across the river and on up along here.river


I went by these male mallard ducks feeding in the shallows.ducks


I was thinking some wild blackberries would be nice but it might still be too soon but I went to shore here at Swamp Rock to have a look just the same.yak


I walked across here looking for ripe berries.trail


Swamp’s too wet

The swamp was still wet from the recent rains so I couldn’t go across here to the rock up on the hill side.swamprock


Very few ripe berries

I hunted around and there weren’t many ripe berries yet. I did find this one patch of them and lots of them on the way.berries


I walked up along the river’s edge on the Poison Oak Alley trail for about a half mile looking for berries but not much luck.

Back on the water

I put the boat back in the water and jumped in and headed on up the river about a mile or so going by this area.riverlogs


I went by this momma mallard with her little ones feeding along the river’s edge and pulled in to the shoreline and sat and watched in my boat for a bit.duckys


River biologists

I knew the river biologists were on the river taking samples because their trucks were in the parking lot and saw them up the river pulling in their net to check what’s in the water swimming around.biologs


Eventually I turned and started my paddle back down the river along it’s edge and stopped in this spot.hillgrass


I could see this truck up on the hill across from me with the cattle but couldn’t tell what he was doing up there.cows


I stopped by these old redwood logs for a bit.logs


I’m headed back in to Jenner for the day and went on home.jenner


Once home a nap was in order then I went outside and hung around the yard chair hopping for the rest of the day. I noticed this big red rose was looking good.redrose


That was my day for a nice one.

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One Response to Too Much Work So I Went For a Paddle Instead

  1. George Yates says:

    A day off working and playing on the river sure sound like fun.

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