Looking for Berries on the Swamp Rock Trail

Wednesday June 21, 2017 Jenner CA.

Time for a yak

I was ready for a yak today, so once I got it going I headed down to Jenner. The wind looked like it was gusting pretty good driving down along the river but when I pulled into Jenner the wind was down and it looked pretty good for a nice yak.

I put the boat in the water and paddled across to Penny Island and sat here to decide which way to go today.island


The decision was made to go up river, so I paddled up along the islands edge.river


I needed a walk to check on the berries

I was thinking a little walk would be good today. Just up ahead was the Swamp Rock trail, so I headed for the shore there.shore


How many ducks can you see in this picture. Three? If so you are wrong as there are at least two more on the water in the background, or I should say backwater.



I put ashore here and started my walk towards Swamp rock across the swamp of course.kayak


Dried up swamp

The swamp has dried up for now. I crossed across here looking for berries and headed for Swamp rock up on the hill there.swamp


I was a little early for the berries, but I did find a few.

Here’s some blackberries. I ate all the red and black ones.berries


And I ate some of these salmon berries.salmon


View from Swamp Rock

I made it up to the rock where I sat down for a good break. This is looking towards the town of Jenner.jenner


I was looking past this rock towards the river when I spied something moving just to the right of the rock, behind it.view


That turned out to be a deer checking me out.deer


Looking out over the river, I saw the biologists coming in from a days work.biologists


Hunting berries

After a bit I headed down from the rock and went back through the swamp area looking for some more berries.grass


I found a few more berries and made it back to the boat. I was a bit warm so I sat down here to cool down before getting backing in the boat and heading in for the day.sat


Here I’m headed on in going by the upper end of Penny Island.ramp


I hit the boat ramp and went on home for the day.

Once home I didn’t have any energy, so I took it easy for the rest of the day , except I did do a little more work on sealing up the van’s back doors.

And that was my day for a good one.

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