Trail Work, a Ride and a Drink of Water

Thursday January 18, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Trail Work

I jumped on a bike and and rode on up to this point to do some trail work on a trail that starts here. But first I had to have a sit and enjoy the day a bit.vhair1

Then I walked out and did a couple hours of trail work on this trail. Like always, I do a bit of trail work and then sit down until I’m ready to do some more. When I start to tire out, I sit in the chair for longer periods of time and eventually that tells me it’s time to quit.trail5

Back out the trail and back in the chair for a spell.bike3

The sky view from the chair.sky2

While sitting there, I noticed these plants which I think are Indian Soap Plants are coming up. Means spring is not far away.spring4

Trail ride

I still had enough time to go for a ride so I rode around for a bit going down this rode.road7

And by our water tanks which were full to the brims.tanks8

With the recent rains we’ve been having this creek is running nicely.creek9


I rode down this road and stopped at the spring for a drink of water.road10

The Spring is flowing nicely right now. I had a couple cups of spring water.spring11

And then rode on home for the day.

Nice day.

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3 Responses to Trail Work, a Ride and a Drink of Water

  1. Prichie says:

    A ride, a rest and a drink, that’s the way to go.

  2. KennyD says:

    Looks like the blog has transitioned well. The header pictures are coming up and you now are on an “https” site which my computer likes better than the old one.

    Do you ever get up to Cazadero? I spent most of 1969 working there when they were rebuilding all of the telephone lines. It was the Joe Ray telephone Co. then, an Independent company owned by Joe Ray. We used to eat breakfast every day at a little hole in the wall in Monte Rio because the cafe in Cazadero didn’t do breakfast, but for lunch and dinner had the best food around. It was one of the best years of my live, and I got to go to a lot of out of the way places in that part of the world.

    • Bob says:

      Hi Kenny,
      My other host didn’t have the https thing so that was also a good reason to move the site besides all the other stuff that happened.
      And yes, I’ve been in Caz lots of times and know a lot of the people there which are now the older guys like me. Caz is just over the hill from our place. This was a fantastic place to grow up in.

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