Transplanting Blueberry Plants and Moving Dirt To the Dirt Pile

Wednesday August 22, 2018 Guerneville CA.

Replanting the last quarter of the patch

I tackled this last section of the blueberry patch today. I needed to dig up all the plants and move them and also remove most of the dirt as there was too much dirt which I made from mulch over the years.patch1


The chickens were taking it easy when I started.chickens2


Digging up the plants

I had to dig up the plants one by one and then push them over to the new spots. This one is ready to move.plant4


Moving the plants

I dug the hole good and deep so I can fill it up with mulch material. This bush just needs to be moved a couple feet to the left where I have a deeper hole dug out.plant5


Dirt to the dirt pile

Most of the dirt was hauled out of the enclosure to the dirt pile that is getting rather large now.dirt6


I kept at it and around 6PM I’d done all I could do for one day. I got it all dug up and ready to receive some new mulch when I can get to it.plants7


Let the chickens in

The chickens were at the gate asking to get in most of the day as they love to get into this pen and scratch around a lot feeding.

So once I was done I cleared out my tools and let them in with the blueberry plants and they loved it.chickens8


Nice big dirt pile

I did get a nice pile of dirt out of all this replanting. I’m sure I’ll find some uses for it eventually.dirtpile


I was pretty worn out by now so I was dragging my butt and not moving very fast, but at least I was still moving. :O)

The biggest part of that job is done. I still need to haul some new mulch in when I get a chance in the next few days.

That was my day, just a working away.

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