Traveling Northeast When the Van’s Tire Went Flat.

Sunday October 9, 2022 Antelope Reservoir Nevada

Total of four blogs posted today. See Recent Posts in the side bar to read them in order.

Travel day

Today we needed to travel north and then east to set things up for the next part of our trip, so off we went.

We left our camp at Boulder Reservoir around 10:30.camp1


Going out this road, headed for better roads today. We traveled about half gravel and half paved today.road2


We stopped by this water to check it out and see if there was any way to fill our water bottles, but there wasn’t.water3


Rocky roads

Our road improved to this nice big gravel one for quite some time. Not much other traffic.road4


Paved roads too

And then we made it to highway 140 east and were able to travel that for quite a ways.road5


We stopped at a place called Denio, Nevada for gas. They sure had slow pumps old pumps,but at least we were able to fill our tanks up.

Then we needed to go east for quite a ways so were back on this gravel road.road6


There were some big cattle ranches on it.ranch7


The road went through this canyon.road


And by this big ranch with lots of green



Shortly after that I heard the thumpity, thump, of a flat tire so pulled over to check it out.

Sure enough the left rear one was flat and needed to be fixed, or at least changed, so we got out the tools and started in on it.flat8


With the tools out we started in on it and got it changed without too much trouble.flattie9


Needs to be repaired

But now we had a problem, where to get the tire repaired as one can’t travel around like we were doing without a spare as there’s just too many rocks.

And now we were past the time we like to find a camp.

I figured it would be best to travel up north on highway 95, as I knew of a place that repaired tires and there was a reservoir, to camp, a bit before getting to that spot so we took off.

Tonight’s camp spot

The spare tire seemed to be holding up and it was getting dark as we pulled into the Reservoir and looked for a spot. The first two were taking so we drove on past them and found a good spot out on part of the dry reservoir bed, just as it was getting darker.

We had something to eat and sat around shooting the bull for a bit, then hit he hay.

We’ll be going up the road tomorrow to see about getting the tire repaired so we can continued our exploration.

Flat tires in these rocks is just part of the trip.

Nice day.

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