Yard Work, Some Hiking and Riding and Just Taking It Easy In the forest

Monday September 26, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Some yard work

I got the pruners out and cut a trail through the raspberry patch to get to the berries that are getting ripe.That’s a start. I’ll have to make some more paths, but that’s it for now.patch1


I cut back these wild blackberry vines, a never ending task, as they just keep growing back.vines2


When I let the chickens out, they went over to this other raspberry patch and started eating the ripe berries near the ground.chickens3


I got something to eat and had a nap, then hopped on the dirt bike and rode up into the forest for a ride around the trails and roads.

Riding around

I stopped here to see if I could move that leaning tree off the trail but it was too heavy so I just threw some rocks off the trail.trail4


I rode on down to the end of this road and parked he bike and went for a short walk through the forest, just looking around.road6


Forest walk

This was the area where I walked on through the woods for some exercise and to  have a look around.trail5


Trail work didn’t get done

When I came back I was going to do some work on the trail but sat down and enjoyed the view and the trail work didn’t get done.view8


I sat around there until it got late in the day and I just took it easy thinking about stuff.sky9


Heading back down the hill

Eventually I thought I better start heading down the hill, taking the long way, of course.

I had to stop and throw some sticks like this off the road.sticks10


I rode on up this road and headed on home.trail11


Nice day.

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