The Rain Stopped So I Did Some Trail Work In the Forest

Sunday December 29, 2024 Guerneville CA.


It rained hard last night and this morning too, but it mostly stopped around noon today.

Trail work

I decided to ride the dirt bike up the narrow trail to where I was working on it to do some more work on repairing the old trail.trailup5

I went as far as I could on the dirt bike, then had to walk the rest of the way as the trail was too narrow to ride the dirt bike on it.

I walked out this part of the trail to where I was working on it.trail3

I made it to my resting chair and was going to work on widening out the part behind the chair today.chair1

I retrieved the tools to do the work which I had left up there to do the work from before  when I worked on it.tools2

I worked a couple of hours widening out the trail a bit.trail4

I worked until I got real tired out, then rode the dirt bike back down the narrow trail being careful not to fall off the trail with the bike.traildown6

Trail work is one way to get some good exercise.

I headed on back to my place for a much needed nap.

Nice day.

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One Response to The Rain Stopped So I Did Some Trail Work In the Forest

  1. Phil Henderson says:

    Cool. Annie alerted me to the Bill visit (dear Bill) episode. Looks Yummy! Miss all that. aloha p

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