John and I Check Out the Closed River’s Mouth and My Hot Tub

Wednesday October 25, 2017 Jenner CA.

John and I head for Jenner

Around noon today, I received an email from John S. saying he’d like to go kayaking, so I returned an email saying I’d be right down to his house as he lives down the road from me as you enter the town of Guerneville.

He loaded his boat on his truck and we were on our way to Jenner to kayak for the day.

We put our boats in the water and crossed over to Penny Island to decide which way to go today.river1


Headed to the mouth area

After some thought we decided to head on down to the river’s mouth area going by this kite type hawk perched on the island. It seems to be doing quite well hunting as there were quite a few dead bird feathers around on the water.hawk2


We paddled across here towards the mouth area.river4


As we approached we could see a lot of birds down that way on the water and on the sandy beach.moutharea7


Lots of birds

The ocean was rough as shown by the  waves breaking on the rocky jetty.waves5


We sat around out there shooting the bull while all the birds did their thing.john8


Some of the birds down here, mostly brown pelicans and seagulls.birds9


We  worked our way down to where the river’s mouth had been going into the ocean passing by these resting cormorants. They make the rocks white known as Jenner snow.cormorants10


Mouth area

John and I landed our boats by the spot the mouth had been going into the ocean to have a look at things.john13


Looking up the beach towards the jetty area, or south.jetty11


Ocean closes the mouth

And this is looking north were the river’s mouth was lost open, but is closed now. Only big waves are getting into the river as the sand bar has built up from the pounding ocean waves damning it up.mouth12


There were a few harbor seals resting in front of us.seals14


They were taking it easy.seals15


We eventually started back up the river headed for the Penny Island back channel where we went by these geese.greese16


We paddled into the little channel on the upper end of the island and shot the bull for a bit before heading in for the day.channel16


By the time I got home the sun was down so it was too late to do any more painting on my Toyota project, so I did a nap instead.

My hot tub

Once I publish this I will do a soak in my hot tub on the back porch.tub


And that was my day.

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2 Responses to John and I Check Out the Closed River’s Mouth and My Hot Tub

  1. I was thinking about this for a while Bob. With rising sea levels predicted sooner than some anticipated, how do you believe it will affect the mouth of the Russian River??
    When the sea level rises during heavy seas do you think the sandbar would build up higher than it does now and cause higher water back up in the estuary?

    I’m glad you start to feel a little better.

    • Bob Noble says:

      Hi Ken,
      At first that seems like an easy question, but it is not.
      As far as tides, they’d still be in the same boat as now. Low tides would be a bit lower and high tides would be a bit lower too as the earth and sun and moon will still move the same. Higher levels of water would just cause the sand to pile up a bit higher, but what is higher as it now can pile it up over twenty feet from the waves.
      So I don’t see much difference really, maybe they’d have to open the mouth a bit more often?

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