Best Year Round Weather and Some Yard Tidy Up

Sunday November 3, 2019 Guerneville CA.

Slow days start

It was nice as I got it going today around noon. The sun was out and it was about 70 degrees F. out. Typical day for this time of year around here. I think it got down to about forty or so last night, not sure as I don’t get up that early. If it freezes around here it usually does it around five in the morning but then quickly warms up during the day.


Just to brag  a bit. The weather around here is mostly nice all year long. Even our storms are better than other peoples weather. Snow is a real rarity around here which is nice. Better to drive into the stuff and back out again. We do get more rain than most but when it rains the nights always warm up to over 50 degrees so not that bad. It’s not that we get more storms, it’s just when it rains it rains harder because of the coastal mountains to my west.

Patsy wants to know

Patsy from Canada wanted to know about the weather around here. Basically it’s mild, all year, not too much cold and not too  much hot. She’s headed south with the rest of the snowbirds.

Clean up and tidy up

Today I was going to clean up the tools I had out to work on removing the failed steel bulkhead.

Here’s some of them and they needed to be put


I also wanted to clean up this stuff in the carrot patch and make it look nice and tidy.stuff


I worked on that on and off all day and got it mostly done.

Oh, oh, daylight saving is over

Around 3 I realized daylight saving time was over so adjusted my clocks.

A visit

Then I drove on down to visit John and Cheryl. I had some information about controlling rodents I wanted to talk about and I loaned them a game camera so they can check out the yard at night to see just how the rodents are doing.

Did some planning for tomorrow

While there John suggested we do a shuttle down the river tomorrow. He invited Ray along so tomorrow that’s what we’ll do. The salmon are in the river and can’t go up it any further until it rains some so we may see some in the big holes. John knows the holes well as he’s been fishing the river for years.

I drove on back home and spent the evening chair hopping around the yard until the day cooled down.

Nice fall day.

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