Tuesday December 8, 2020 Guerneville CA.
Chair Hopping day
I got it going late today around noon but didn’t feel like doing anything so I let he chickens out in one of their pastures and just sat around mostly with the chickens until about 2.
I filled up the dozer’s fuel container and hopped on the quad to go up and put some fuel in the dozer.’
I was putting the fuel in the dozer when I realized I forgot my camera someplace at home.
As long as I was up in the hills I walked around a bit checking some fire breaks. Most of them look pretty good and should get through the winter rains ok. I’ll be checking on them throughout the winter just to be sure.
I rode the quad runner around a bit and headed for home around the time the sun was going down.
Where’s my camera
I looked for my camera but couldn’t find it. I knew it was outside someplace. I still hadn’t found it when it got dark and I didn’t want to leave it outside all night so I got my flashlight and looked around again and of course I found it right were I left it. The problem was I’d dropped a tarp I was going to use on top of it. At least it would of made it through the night ok with the tarp over it.
Anyway no pictures today.
Missing rooster
My main rooster that I thought might be missing last night showed up this morning so he must of just been hiding among the hens on the roost last night.
The day was a nice leisurely one puttering around in the woods and mostly sitting around up there enjoying the day.
Nice day.
Yay! Both the camera and the rooster are good!!!! That makes it a good day.