Monday July 12, 2021 Guerneville CA.
I thought it was about time to get the dozer battery out of it and give it a charge on the charger so on the way up to work on the trail I stopped at my brothers garden where the dozer is parked.
He and his helper were getting a plot ready to plant something.
This is the rig on his tractor that he uses to plant the plants.
Dozer battery
And here’s where the dozer has been dozing long enough for the battery to need a charge.
I forgot my wrench but fortunately there was one in there with the battery so I removed it and stuck it in my brother’s gulf cart and asked him to take it to my house.
Trail work and a walk in the forest
I rode the quad up into the hills and stopped here to do some work, mostly filling in bumps and throwing rocks off the trail.
I went for a walk exploring where the old trail went through here.
I followed the old trail through here too for a nice forest walk.
Just a view of the forest as I walked on by.
I was up there about three hours getting some work and some nice walking in before I returned home for a break.
Pulling weeds
I pulled some weeds for the chicks. I noticed these grapes. Looks like a nice crop this year, when they get ripe.
The weeds got put in the chicks pen and they didn’t take long to discover them.
Raspberry patch
My view of the sky as I chair hopped around the yard and ended up in the raspberry patch where I’m sitting now.
I pulled more weeds in the raspberry patch and here’s a small sample of them. I got maybe a third of the patch weeded today.
I’m taking the load of weeds to the chickens pen for them to eat.
They were watching me take them to the pen and jumped right in there to feed on the weeds.
The rest of the day I spent chair hopping around the yard and making plans to do some more projects.
Nice day.