Found a Nest Full Of Eggs and Just Puttering Around the Yard

Wednesday June 22, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Yard puttering

That’s what kind of day it was, just puttering around the yard doing a little this and that and taking it easy.

I see my brother Tom has been working on getting this garden ready to


Looking a bit yellow

I noticed this peach tree was looking a bit yellow so I gave it a shot of fertilizer and put the water on it. It’s one that just popped up from a seed.tree


As long as I did that one I did it to this other one that also came up from seed. That should help them get growing faster.tree4


Of course I did a lot of chair hopping as it was a nice day.sky5


Rotten door

This garage door needs some repairs as the water coming off the roof has rotted it badly. That roll is sheet metal that I got to do the repair, but first I’ll have to add some bracing. I spent some time studying what to do. I’m not ready to do it yet as my back needs to get a little better first. It’s something I want to get done before winter though.door


Nest full of eggs

When I was walking by here I noticed all the eggs.eggs


One or more of my chickens has been laying eggs here instead of in the egg laying nests. I removed the eggs and will feed them back to the chickens so they can make more eggs. I don’t know the condition of them so I don’t want to eat them.eggs7


Geogypsy’s video

I’ve been working with Geogypsy a bit on how to make videos for YouTube. She just posted this interesting one of some penguins if you’d like to check it out.

YouTube’s ways

I’ve also been investigating how YouTube promotes videos. It seems the more people that view one and the more likes and comments and subscribers, the more they promote one by offering it to more people to view if they like. So any help in that direction would be appreciated. Thanks.

Nice day.

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One Response to Found a Nest Full Of Eggs and Just Puttering Around the Yard

  1. Gaelyn says:

    Thanks for the shout out. I think lions will be next on safari, or maybe elephants. I am blown away that a spit peach pit is now a tree.

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