The Bulkhead, a Forest Ride and Game Cam Pictures

Saturday October 28, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Damage assessment

I took a good look at this damage in the creek to figure out what to do about it.

This bulkhead needs repair.bulkhead


And this bridge needs some work. After taking a good look at it, I decided to repair it with some more metal sheets as that would be the easiest way to fix it up good, without too much work and it should last a long time. I’ll need some metal sheets and some 2x4s and some screws.bridge2


Off for a dirt bike ride in the forest

I was sitting in a chair figuring out how much material I’d need when Barry came by for a bike ride and Tom joined us.

We rode around the hills and stopped here at our  main spring for a drink of water.spring3


Out of oil

After riding around some more we headed on up to our rest area. I got there first but Barry didn’t show up right away. He finally did show up before I had to go look for him. Seems his bike ran out of oil going up a steep  hill and his engine quit on him. He was able to get it started after that and we took a break here.bikes4


This looks like smoke but is just water vapor off the forest, sort of like a light fog.view5


After our break we had to head for home as Barry’s bike didn’t have much oil in it.

Game cam pictures

We’d collected the game cards at the game cams.

These rabbits went by a few times and stopped to feed on something here.rabbits6


There were more deer that went by then any other animals. They are just starting their rut.deer9



I was surprised to see this owl fly in and check out the deer.owl7


And at another cam, this bobcat sat down for a bit before wondering off.bobcat10


And a deer drinks at our pond.deer11


Nice day.

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