Timber, Cutting a Big Tree Down

Saturday March 30, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Traveling chainsaw

Today was the day I said I’d help a neighbor cut a big tree down. He was going to cut a rotten tree down on their place and I was going to use my bulldozer to move it off the road after he cut it down so my job was pretty easy compared to his job.

I met him near the big tree at the appointed time. He had his chainsaw on his back.ross1

He wanted to remove this big tree as it had the top broken off and just hanging there and was a safety hazard. It was in a rather hard spot to cut it as it was on a steep bank of the road.dozer2

He got started making the undercut. I watched and could see he knew what he was doing.undercut3

The sawdust fly’s as he cut away.sawdustcut


He got the undercut done after much sawing and was now making the final cut to fall the tree.cutting4


That’s what they used to say when a big tree was falling over to let everyone know to watch out. I’m not sure if they still use that term or not?timber5

At first the tree fell on the road.timber6

But then the weight of the top leveraged the tree, mostly off the road which meant we didn’t really need the dozer to push it off the road.tree7

I pushed the tree the rest of the way off the road with the dozer anyway and used the dozer to clean things up a bit.

The winner

Ross on the tree stump. He won and the tree went down without anyone getting hurt.ross8


Ross was covered in sawdust so had to clean up a bit.sawdust9

Forest ride

After that we went on a bike ride and stopped at the falls.falls10

We stopped here at the Guerneville overlook for a short break. Looks like some rain showers might come in soon.overlook11

We rode through the forest and Ross tipped over here, but got up before I could get a picture of him on the ground.forest12

We then rode up to our break area for a bit. I think it’s going to shower shortly.overlook13

So Ross took off for his place and I headed for my place arriving just as a rain shower hit, but it was a short one lasting only for about ten minutes or so.

Nice day.

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