A Coyote and an Emergency Room

Friday December 26, 2014 Jenner

Things looked good on the weather front today, so I went on down to Jenner to kayak around ten thirty in the morning.

A new guy working for the kayak rental lady had his boats on the ramp giving lessons when I arrived. Instead of getting pissed, I waited until he got his people in the water and then told him we needed to have a little talk if we were going to get along. I said it’s fine with me if you guys use the ramp, just give your classes up there off the ramp and only be on the ramp when you need to launch the boats and try to keep your boats off the ramp when not in use.

I knew the other side where they usually launch had about six inches of mud on it, so we needed to share. He was understanding and just ignorant of boat ramp etiquette and was eager to comply. That was easier than boat ramp rage. :O)

I put my boat in the water and headed up the river stopping here and there and taking it easy. I made it up to muskrat were I took a good long break then started heading on back, crossing over to Paddy’s rock to check for birds on that side.

My view going up the river today.russianriver


As I cleared Paddy’s rock, I paddled back to the other side of the river and was sitting at eagles’ landing when I heard a king fisher bird giving the alarm call, over and over, from the same place. That’s odd, as they usually give the alarm call a couple of times and then fly off.

Steve told me he had seen a bobcat the day before, so I thought maybe the bobcat or the coyote might be over on that side of the river and that is what the king fisher was squawking about. So,  I crossed back over to the other side of the river where the king fisher was and looked around but didn’t see anything. The king fisher took off to the other side of the river, gave it’s alarm call once and shut up.

There’s the coyote

I continued on down along that shoreline looking for birds when I saw the coyote laying on the shoreline getting some sun.

Here he is just after he saw me.coyote


He took his time and started moving up the river and soon disappeared shortly after this.coyot


Headed to the river’s mouth area

I continued on down the river towards the river’s mouth area.

There were lots of birds down that way. Pelicans, seagulls and harbor seals.critters


This was my view as I got near the open mouth, looking out into the ocean.sun


On the way back I passed these brown pelicans in the water.pelicans


And went by this little duck sitting on a rock.duck


I stopped by John’s house and talked to him about using the VA emergency room as he knew all about that. I was thinking I might need to go down and have my throat looked at for little BBQ brush wires as I’m thinking I might have one in there that was causing my throat to hurt a bit.

Headed for the VA emergency Room

I went on home and decided to call the VA advice nurse and see what they thought about  my wire thing. The nurse said to come right down to ER and they’d give me a CT scan. I asked if they were open. Sure.

It’s about a two hour drive down to the VA hospital in San Francisco, so I left about four PM and I had to drive after dark in the traffic, but I did it and arrived shortly after six PM.

I Parked and saw this sign and started following it to the ER.er

I followed the signs until I got to the ER place here. Not many people here at this time.eroom


They decided to send me up to x-ray to see if they could find some brush wires. I did the x-rays about seven PM and then waited and waited until about ten thirty PM when the doc called me.

Nothing showed on the x-rays, so I needed some more tests. The brush wires are very small and are going to be hard to see. Only trouble was, all the people that give those tests won’t be in until Monday morning. That damn advice nurse sure told me wrong. Damn, all that driving for almost nothing.

I drove on home and got here about midnight to a cold house, which I’m now heating up.

Looks like I’m going to have to go down there again on Monday morning and play the ER game again.

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