A Rainbow, Deer, Birds and a Dead Cow Paddling Around Jenner

Wednesday December 3, 2014 Jenner CA.

I waited for the storm to pass

The rain was really ripping as I laid in bed around eight this morning. It sounded like it was raining more than just cats and dogs. A good reason to stay in bed a bit longer today. I got up around eleven and the rains were slowing down now.

I headed out to Jenner sometime after noon. The rain had pretty much stopped as I put my boat in the water. I noticed John’s truck in the parking lot, but couldn’t see him in his kayak anywhere.

The river’s muddied up a bit

With all the rain, the river water had muddied up a bit. I crossed over to the side of Penny Island and sat around for quite a spell, napping a bit too.

This is the spot I sat by Penny Island in the reeds. A bit of fog in the air.reeds


I thought I might spy John while sitting there, but I didn’t.

East end channel

Eventually, I paddled up to the little channel at the east end of Penny Island and was repeating my process of the last place I sat.channel


John paddles up

Eventually, John paddled up, coming down from up the river. We shot the bull for a bit. He said he came down early this morning and experienced the hard rains and wind down near the mouth while in his boat. An enjoyable experience. Lots of water and wind he said, getting some in his boat too.

After that, he had headed up river and did a hike at Muskrat beach going to the top of the hill.

A rainbow suddenly appears

As we were sitting there, a rainbow formed in front of us. One end seemed to be at the launch ramp, which I do consider a treasure, for sure.rainbow


Penny Island deer

Shortly after that, I heard a splash behind me, which turned out to be a deer joining it’s Mama. I think these two deer are the main ones that live on the island.

Here’s a picture of the mama deer as she watches me.deer


John headed on in for the day and I headed on up the river at a very slow pace, passing these two cormorants sitting on a log.cormorants


Muskrat Nest Beach

I made it up to muskrat nest beach where I sat around for an extended stay and just watched and napped a bit.

This was the spot I sat and my view from there looking back down to the town of Jenner.jenner


I thought I’d cross over the river to Paddy’s rock and see what might be on the shoreline there, usually birds of different types.

These cormorants were sitting on Paddy’s rock.cormorant


I saw a few birds, but most of them were somewhere else to ride out the storm that just went by.

Dead cow

I did see this dead cow and the white egret as I went. Not sure what happened to the cow, but some critters are going to do some good eating. I bet the eagle’s are back in the area tomorrow.deadcow


The day seemed to have slipped away, as it was almost five PM as I paddled along here headed back to Jenner.jenner2


There were no others out on the water today except John and I so no problems at the boat ramp. In fact the  little town of Jenner looked almost dead as I pulled away and went on home.

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