A Walk Up the Creek At Murdock Crossing

Saturday September 30, 2023 Murdock Crossing, Plumas National Forest CA.


It was raining lightly this morning so I stayed in the dry van, hoping it would let up around noon.clouds


Walk up the creek

The rain let up around eleven so I decided to go for a walk up along the creek in the front of the van. I did don my rain jacket,  just in case.van2


Last Chance Creek at Murdock Crossing

I walked up along the left bank checking out the creek as I went.creek3


There’s lots of water in this creek, thanks to the beaver that have been working it over for years.creek4


The creek was very scenic as I made my way up along it.creek6


Eventually, I came to this big meadow that the creek went through.meadow5


I followed the creek through the meadow and was getting tired out and was about ready to turn around and head back.creek7


Turn around time

This was as far as I went as my back was getting a bit sore and I didn’t want to over do it.creek8


So, I turned back and was eyeing those big rocks off to the right for a place to sit down and take a break, which I did.rocks9


On the way back I decided to walk a bit higher up from the creek bank and go through the forest as it was easier walking and sometimes there was even a cow trail.woods10


There were a few big rocks I had to work my way around.rocks11


But mostly it was easy going.woods12


I made it back to the van and went in for a nap.van13


A bit later I heard a motor and looked out to see this modern cowboy herding his ten cattle through the meadow on his quad runner.

Not long after that the rain returned and rained a bit harder than this morning for a couple of hours before letting up. It’s now raining lightly off and on.

I’m not sure about the weather, but I think this is the last day of the rain, we’ll see.


If the rain lets up, I plan to drive the short distance to the spring to tank up with drinking water and then do some exploring looking for some crawdads and maybe moving to another camp spot.

Nice day.

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One Response to A Walk Up the Creek At Murdock Crossing

  1. Judith says:

    You mentioned a spring where you would get water. Did you do that today? Or maybe yesterday. Anyway, hope you have plenty of good water on hand. Lovely place you’re in…..good trip so far it seems. Aside from washboards. They are very irritating to a person and hard on a vehicle.

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