Banking, Puttering and Moving Woodchips Around the Yard

Friday October 28, 2022 Guerneville CA.


My credit card got locked out when I was on the trip as if it doesn’t work twice they lock me out. A phone call is needed but where I was at the time there was no cell phone service so I just left it like that until I got home and rested up. So today I needed to get the card fixed up so I decided to just go down to the bank as I had some other questions about using the debit card.

The guy fixed me up and answered my questions.

I also got an email today that my power bill of 1.47 did not get paid because it was on that card. I’d thought I put it on a bank account about six mouths ago so I called to get that fixed up with the power company. The bill was real low because I was out tripping and I also got a clean air credit.

That taken care of I went out in the yard and took it easy warming up in the sun.

Moving woodchips

I needed to move some woodchips to several places around the yard so I got my dump truck and loader and loaded up some woodchips.mulch1


Mulberry tree

Woodchips are mulch so I started moving some to the mulberry tree and got this far and hoped to get it all by dark, this evening.tree


Chicken pens

I put some fresh mulch in this chicken pen. It helps keep the pen clean and absorbs a lot of nutrients from the chickens.pen3


And I put some chips in the chicken’s mulch pen.pen4


I did a lot of chair hopping around the yard, just taking it easy and enjoying the day.


I put some water on this  mulch to help break down the woodchips and also water the avocado tree on the right.water5



I was getting hungry so I went to the chicken pen and grabbed six of these eggs and cooked them up for lunch.eggs6



Just before dark I hauled some more chips to the mulberry tree and that was done.tree7


I decided to put the water on the chips to help break them down faster.water8



And I sat around and chair hopped while the sun went down behind the hills to my west.sunset9


Nice day.

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5 Responses to Banking, Puttering and Moving Woodchips Around the Yard

  1. Gaelyn says:

    What a marvelous day.

  2. Patsy+Irene says:

    I like the memories of gathering eggs too although mostly when we were on our farm, I was too young to do it on my own. Avocado tree! Lucky guy!

  3. Judith says:

    P.S. I forgot to list EGGS.

  4. Judith says:

    I hope you know you live a rich life. Avocados, chickens, raspberries (though I prefer your scorned blackberries) , ample wood chips, and a power bill that most people have never even heard of.

  5. Nancy K says:

    When I was a kid on the ranch, one of my jobs was to gather the eggs. It was always a fun treasure hunt.

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