Barry and I Ride the Dirt Bikes In the Hills Looking For Firewood to Cut

Friday September 16, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Day in  the forest

Barry showed up in the yard this morning with his dirt bike so plans changed and we went for a dirt bike ride up into the hilly forest today.

Rest spot

We rode around the roads and eventually ended up here at  our rest spot high on the hilltop. It’s a bit smoky out there today.smokey1


Barry has a hammock here so headed for that.view2


I sat here on the ground and it was comfortable enough. A couple of planes flew over so Barry checked them out on his cell phone as he had an app on there that tracks planes. A couple of CalFire planes headed up the coast line.restingup3


Trail check out

After a good rest there Barry wanted to check out this trail to see how many trees were down on it as he’s thinking of cleaning it up soon.trail4


Firewood area

We hopped back on the bikes and headed over to a place he was thinking of cutting his fire wood soon. Lot’s of fire wood there but he has to clean some brush off the road to get his truck down to the trees, another project.

Carrots are sweet

We rode around some more checking which road to use to get his truck up the hill without cutting too much brush along the roadside and eventually ended up at Tom’s garden. He’s likes the carrots there, says they are sweet.garden5


We were tired out from all the riding so  headed on home. I gave him a flat of eggs and he took off for home and I took off for a nap.

Nice day.

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