Sunday December 10, 2023 Guerneville CA.
Blog transfer work
I’m still working on it. I had to check with support today about changing the address so it can be transferred as I wasn’t sure what would happen once I changed some numbers to the new address.
I’m still not real sure what will happen, but I did decide to wait until the new week started so there’d be lots of good techs working instead of trying it on the weekend.
Once the site is transferred, the new guys have to fix the site to work properly.
Noisy bike ride
Barry showed up today for a bike ride up into the hills. We’d taken some of the stuff out of our bike’s mufflers so we were going to test out what we think about that. The bikes were certainly noisier that way.
Break spot
After riding around the hills for awhile we ended up at our break area for a break.
This was the view of todays sky as we sat there and enjoyed the day.
It had rained a couple days ago so the ground was real nice for riding around as it dried out just enough for good traction.
We stopped here so Barry could throw these sticks off the road, while I watched.
We stopped in this spot so Barry could throw some rocks off the road. I did get off to help out on this one.
Lady bugs
We stopped to check out the lady bugs again. We were wondering if there were any lady bugs in the spot where we saw them like this many years ago so we rode on over to that spot. No lady bugs in that old spot.
Noisy bikes
We talked about how the bikes worked out with the parts out of the mufflers. We agreed they were noisier and both thought the bikes had more low end power. I think I’ll try riding my bike a few more times with the parts out and then decide which way I want it to be. I sorta like not having quite as much noise in my older age.
We made it back to my place and Barry took off for his place. I went in for a short nap, before going back outside to take this old rotten garden netting off the poles to discard. I was able to save a bit of it to add to the stuff on my citrus trees for frost protection.
Nice day.