More Fire Prevention Work in the Yard

Sunday, June 9, 2013, Guerneville, CA.

Just working in the yard


Also, heads up. I’m working on changing my blog address to  . Eventually the address will change, but I have to move my site and do some things to make it all happen. I’ll put an address on this site so that you can jump to the new one, once it’s up and running, so shouldn’t be too much trouble for you guys. So, don’t be concerned about it, It’s up to me to make it happen without any stress on your part. :O)

I need to do this because I need to get a different type of account that will let me have more bandwidth, without paying a lot of money. The different type of account requires one have his own web address.


It was cool when I got up today so it seemed like a good day to get some more yard work done.

I started out by mowing weeds until I didn’t notice the belt on the mower was slightly off and wore it out real fast with some smoke. Since I didn’t have a spare belt, that ended that task. I got a lot done before it broke though.

I’ve also been trimming brush back and raking leaves for fire protection around my house. It’s been awhile since I last did that, so it’s a big job. I trimmed a bunch of brush a few days ago, so there were a lot of brush piles to pick up and pack off to the brush pile. I like to make piles of brush in the yard. They make good mulch piles and also are real good habitat places for the wild stuff around here. Once I got the brush all picked up and piled, I had a bunch of leaves to rake up. I raked up some of them and now there are piles of leaves I need to move to mulch some fruit trees in the yard. That can wait.

Of course there were plenty of naps and resting up during all this action,  and never the less, I’m real sore. :O)

Last night I made a quart of Blue berry jam and tonight I’m making some raspberry, and other berries, jam.

Since I can’t eat anything that comes from corn, it’s necessary for me to make my own jams. I make them the old fashion way. Fruit, sugar, cook to 220 F. and put in store jars, like empty pickle and olive jars, as they are Pyrex type and won’t break. I put the jam in them hot and screw the lids down. Later, the lids pop, showing they formed a vacuum. These recipes call for lots of sugar, it’s the preservative that keeps them from spoiling. No corn stuff in this. No pectin either as it’s corned. Don’t knock cane sugar, it’s one of the few things that doesn’t have corn in it. :O)

I’m working on the berry jam right now, it’s starting to smell real good. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm.  :O)

Had a nice day.

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