Rainy Day and the Blog Transfer is Burning Me Out

Monday December 18, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Rainy day

It’s been raining all day so I’m stuck in the house today. I was supposed to get a delivery on my new toy, but one of the blades that comes with it got shipped to the wrong place.

I’m working on getting that fixed up.

Blog transfer

That’s still  not going well. I think it is about time I paid someone to take care of doing that.  The new site has people that can do that for a price so tonight I will try to get them to get this done as I’m getting burned out messing with it.

In the process, I think my  main computer got messed up as I can’t get to my old site with it. This is sorta a test post to see if I can still post to it or what. I do have another computer that still seems to get to the site.

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2 Responses to Rainy Day and the Blog Transfer is Burning Me Out

  1. Ken Solbakken says:

    Congratulations Bob! That’s a nice looking John Deere skid steer and even has a dozer blade and a four in one bucket. The old John Deere dozer is going to get jealous and quit running for you. The skid steers were lifesavers around the quarry.

  2. Deb says:

    The tech stuff is probably best done by the tech people. It taxes us way too much. Lol. Good luck.

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