Checking On An Old Bridge

Monday September 2, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Old Bridge

I needed to check on an old bridge to see if it was fit for Skiddy to cross over it. Skiddy is my 10,000 pound skid steer.

I went up to the neighbor’s place, but no one was home so I proceeded to the old bridge which was not far from their house. I crossed the old bridge with Hondo ok.bridge2

I looked the bridge over and could see it was too weak for Skiddy to cross over it. At least I didn’t want to take the chance crossing it and breaking through it, as the neighbors need it to get to their house as well as the other neighbors needed it.bridge1

I looked around the creek and found a place they’d made for dozers to cross the creek where there was a cut out. That would work for Skiddy.

The creek had a little water in it. The dozer crossing was down stream from the bridge about a 100 feet.creek3

Big slide area

From the bridge, I rode on down the road about a mile to the spot where there were some big slides closing the road. The slides were from a few years ago. We plan to open this road in the future, so that’s why I was checking it out. It needs to be opened up so a fire truck could get through there if need be.road4

There were more than one slide on the road.slide6

And this one too.slide5

I volunteered to help the neighbors out clearing this road with Skiddy some time in the future. I figure it would take two or three hours to clear out the slides.

Now that I  had that figured out, I went back to our property and rode around and enjoyed the forest for the rest of the day.

Nice day.

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