Christmas Day

Wednesday December 25, 2013 Guerneville CA.

A fine dinner

My back was a little better this morning when I got up. I took my meds and did a cold pack just the same. And I didn’t try to put my socks and shoes on……………. Later, I  was able to put socks on, but stayed in my slippers.

I needed to bake another loaf of bread for my aunt as I burned the one for her last night, jut a little.

I also had pull apart buns rising over night for our dinner today.

So my task this morning was to bake the buns and the bread. Both came out nice. Yummmm.

Around two PM I went over to another brothers house and enjoyed Christmas with family. My brother cooked a nice prime rib and we had plenty of goodies to go along with that.

Camping in Boonville

Tomorrow, I’m headed up to Boonville for a few days or so to camp at a friends cabin. I plan to do a little hiking while checking out some water springs we hope to tap for the cabin, eventually.

I’ll be taking my van up and staying in that. There’s no internet access up there, so it’ll be Sunday or Monday before  I make the posts for all the goings on, up at the cabin.

I’m also hoping that this change of pace might give my back time to heal up. Time will only tell on that. It does seem to be getting better.

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