Dozer Fueling and Culvert Work

Sunday August 4, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Dozer fueling

I picked up 30 gallons of diesel the other day when I was shopping. I loaded them on Hondo and drove on up into the forest where the dozer was parked to fuel it up.dozer1

All i had to do was transfer the fuel from the containers to the dozer.fueling2

I used this 12 volt electric fuel pump to do the transfer. The dozer only took 15 gallons.pump3

Spring for a drink

The dozer was parked by this spring so it was drink of water time.spring4

I had a cup of water that was refreshing.water5

The dozer’s battery needed a charging so I drove it across the property to a new location and parked it setting it up for some road work in a couple of  months.

I walked back to where Hondo was parked, throwing sticks and rocks off the road as I went. I think it was about a mile or so.

Culvert work

I needed to dig around this messed up culvert so we can cut the bad stuff off later and repair it.roads5

This culvert flows into another one to the right that got smashed through the years by the grader guy.culvert7

I dug around the sides of it so we can use a Sawzall on it later. The neighbor is supposed to help me with the sawing.

The road is narrow here so I put these limbs there to warn the neighbors to be careful. I plan to cut a piece of steel culvert to connect the two culverts later.dugout8

That was enough work for one day. I rode around a bit and then went home for a nap.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Dozer Fueling and Culvert Work

  1. A James says:

    Hi Bob-you do have a lot of machinery to keep on the ready. I was wondering if a solar panel fitted & recessed on the top of the dozer cage would keep the battery charged. Probably a screen mesh would have have to be overtop to protect the panel but that wouldn’t degrade the panel’s efficiency that much -your usual fixit I’m sure would make it work.All the best with that culvert.

    • Bob says:

      I’ve thought of solar panels, they would be nice but I don’t really need them. If I tried to fix one on the roof top, I’m afraid this forest would take them off. Most of the time my dozer is parked where there is a power outlet and I only have to plug the charger in once and awhile. I’d likely be better off with a trickle charger but I’ve just been getting by with what I have. Batteries do seem to be a pane when you have a lot of rigs. I’ve been swiching to AGM type battaries lately which seems to be less maintenance.

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