Elementary School Reunion and Evening Kayak at Jenner

Thursday July 10, 2014 Jenner CA.

Today was the day some of the people I went to elementary school with had a reunion. We met at a cabin in Guernewood park. I went on down there and met up with them in the afternoon, then went on home for my corn free dinner.

I returned just before six PM as some of us were going down to Jenner for an evening kayak paddle.

When I returned to the cabin to go, they were just finishing up dinner and this is what I saw as I climbed up the steps.group


I took a couple more pictures . Here is one looking down on the place from the hillside above it.gang


Down to Jenner for an evening kayak

After dinner we went on down to Jenner just after six PM and put our boats in the water. There was Rob and Cindy and Ray and Elaine and me. It was looking real nice as we put our boats in the water.yakkers


We paddled across the river and saw these white pelicans resting near the east end of Penny Island.pelicans


Up to eagle’s landing

It was still early, so we headed on up to eagle’s landing and sat around there for awhile. While we were there an osprey flew into the eagle’s landing tree with a fish. We spent the next ten minutes or so trying to point out where the osprey was up in the tree to Cindy. If you see it land, they aren’t hard to find, but if not, they blend in real well. I didn’t get any good pictures of it.

Eagle’s landing as we pulled into the area for a spell.landing


Checked out Penny Island

Next, we worked our way back down the river to the Penny Island channel and went ashore so Ray and I could show them the touristy part of the island.

Here, Cindy and Elaine are admiring the old trees.island


Cindy took off down the trail and soon came back to tell us about this amazing bush that she found that was a lot like a trampoline. I don’t know what kind of bush it is called, but you can see it just to the left of Elaine and that’s mostly it all around them. It’s real springy and tough stuff and grows on this one spot on Penny Island. Here we are checking out this bushy stuff.bushes


Here is our little group checking some more stuff out on the island.islandtour


We were on the island about a half hour before returning to our boats at this spot on the east end.kayaks


It’s getting dark

It was starting to get dark a bit just after we got our boats back in the water and headed down the island back channel to the west end of the island were we started to pick up  twenty or more harbor seals in the water frolicking.

Lots of harbor seals

Here’s a few of the harbor seals in the water as we passed on by.seals


River’s mouth area and the lumens

We headed on down to the river’s mouth area and checked out the seals there. There were some people on the shore with a camp fire that asked us if we were going to stay to see the lumens, as they were down there last night and the lumens were very good. I asked the group if they wanted to stay out and try to see them and yes, they did. It has to get dark, so we waited around in our boats in front of Penny Island until it got darker. We started to see some lumens, but it had to get darker.

Eventually, we started to see some in our paddle strokes and as it got darker the lumens got better.

We worked our way up the back channel of Penny Island playing in the lumens. There were a lot of lumens out tonight, but I did not see any glowing fish for some reason I still don’t’ understand.

But we did have at least one harbor seal coming up to our boats within about two feet, several times and it glowed nicely. It followed us up the back channel of the island quite a ways checking us out,………… I guess.

We went on in about 10:30PM for a real nice night out on the water.

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