Exploring Around Antelope Lake In Plumas National Forest

Tuesday June 20, 2023 Antelope Lake Plumas National Forest CA.

Today, we are headed to Antelope Lake, about ten miles north of our base camp on a paved road. We want to see what the lake looks like and what kind of access it has and explore around it a bit. We plan to take a few days to do that.

We got on the road to the lake.road1


This is a fishing access spot, day use only.lake2


Marty checks out the shoreline for fishing. The lakes shoreline is all trees and the lake has lots of fingers on it. A very nice lake, indeed. This is only one of the fingers, it has many.lake3


We travelled up the road around the lake and turned onto any side roads that led towards the lake.road5


Here’s another fishing access spot we checked out.vans6


The view of the lake from that spot. Lots of clouds in the sky today.clouds7


This road led to the boat ramp, just up ahead.view8


The boat ramp is pretty quiet right now, but there are a lot more people here on the weekends.ramp9


Best access spot

We pulled down into this fishing access spot, which would also be real good to put the kayak in. I may come back next week and do that if we have time, but today is exploring day, so not enough time to do that.access10


While we were there taking an extended break, this couple pulled in and we shot the bull with them for some time.people11


Need a camp spot

We needed a camp spot so we started looking on roads off from the lake as all the lake campgrounds were pay and with lots of people.


We were traveling up this road which looked like it might have some camp spots by a creek up this way when we ran into this car parked in the middle of the road with no one around. It looked like it might have broke down. We had to turn around and go look somewhere else.car12


We checked out this spot.  A bull and a bunch of cows where licking salt blocks here. The cows moved on so we checked the spot out.salt13


That site was ok, but we knew of a better one we had checked out earlier so we made our way back to it.

Marty checks out the creek at tonight’s camp spot.creek14



We settled into camp in this spot for the nightcamp15


Tomorrow we will continue to explore around the lake.

Nice day.

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