Finishing Up the New Board Shelf for the Van and Yard Work

Saturday June 18, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Working on the shelf

The new shelf board needed to be sealed so I found some old wax and put a couple coats on the board. That should do it.board


I had to readjust the mounting brackets a bit and got that done.brackets


And a few screws and the new wooden shelf was done and looks nicer than the white plastic one did. I like wood.shelf


Blackberry vines

They are growing like mad so I got the pruning tools out and cut some of those back until my back said to quit so I did.


While chair hopping around the yard I noticed this plum tree was drooping a  bit. It has a bumper crop of plums on it.tree


I call these plums poppers as they are just the right size to pop in the mouth and bite into them to savior the flavor. They are almost ripe, so it won’t be long before I can do that.plums


Thinking on video making

I spent the rest of the day chair hopping and resting my back and also thinking on  my video making plans for the future. I’m not real sure which way I want to go, but something will sprout out of thinking about it and just working on making some more of them to get more practice.

And of course the chickens were happy to be let into the front yard to graze as always. I let them into this area for just a couple of hours before dark to keep them from getting into too much mischief, once they fill up on stuff to eat.chickens


Nice day.

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