Finishing Up Working With the Forest Fire Rehab Workers

Tuesday October 13, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Rehab work

Once I got it going this morning and fed the chickens I hopped on the dirt bike and rode on up into the hills to see what the forest fire rehab guys were doing.

I followed my brother Barry’s dirt bike tracks to find where they were working.

Here comes the excavator

I found Barry laying under a tree in this spot. Eventually the white truck showed up which meant the excavator was coming up the narrow road behind him. Shortly, the other truck showed up and had to wait for the excavator to get up the road. That pickup was one of the goat ladies so I chatted with her until the excavator made it up the road.turnspot


Here’s the excavator going down the road making a bit of dust.excavator


Clogged culvert

He didn’t have to go far until he came to this plugged up culvert that they had to unplug.culvert


They stopped the machine and the guys all checked out what had to be done to unplug the culvert pipe.inspection


The excavator dug down to clear the upper end of the pipe.digging


And dumped the dirt over the bank.dump


Gate post

Next my neighbor wanted them to right a metal gate post one of the bull dozers had hit while clearing the road for a fire break early on in the forest fire. The big metal pipe is hard to see in the background. The neighbor is checking to see if the gate cable will reach the post and it didn’t, but that could be fixed up later with some cable added.pipe


Another culvert to unplug

Next we moved down the road to this spot where another old culvert was buried which they uncovered.digpipe


They found the cement where the culvert started which was good enough for us. A little shovel work in the rain will finish the job this


They get to our place

From there they moved to our place which we’d been waiting them to get to as the fire break they put on our place needed some rehab work and the roads needed brush and dirt removed so we could use them.

Fire break cleanup

The excavator guy started down the fire break which was a bit steeper than the picture shows. He put in some water bars and moved some down  trees and brush onto the firebreak which had been piled up by the bulldozers while making the firebreak.firebreak


We moved down below the excavator as he worked down the hill cleaning up the fire break debrie and dirt piles.brush


My brother Tom came by on his quad runner to inspect the work and shoot the bull a bit.tom


The excavator moved a lot of the trees and brush back onto the firebreak to rot in place and help hold the dirt in place when it rains.trees


Opening our roads

We also had him open up our roads they’d blocked when they built the fire break which he is doing here as they had trees and dirt piled up in them. When the fire break is made by the bulldozers they are in a great hurry as the forest fire is approaching so they don’t have much time to fix stuff up.cleanup


Made it to the bottom

From  here they went down a very steep part and ended up at the bottom where there is a creek that needs some cleanup which they will do tomorrow morning when they show up and they then are hauling the excavator off for some repair work and then back to forest fire rehab work as there is a lot of it to do in this state which should keep them busy until the rains start this winter.

From there I rode on home. All this standing around shooting the bull really wore me out so I didn’t do much except pen the chickens up at dark.

Nice day playing in the woods while the other guys worked.

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3 Responses to Finishing Up Working With the Forest Fire Rehab Workers

  1. Nancy K says:

    I had no idea they spent that much time doing rehab work. Once done, we hauled our cats back home. Never realized so much repair work was being done behind us. I’m glad they are helping like that … those water bars will come in handy when rain hits.

  2. Bob says:

    Haven’t had a fire here in a long time. This one was caused by lightning and at first there were so many fires in California there weren’t enough fire fighters to deal with them for the first few days. The fire got to about three hundred yards to my place and even closer to our property up on in the hills. Our property was a big fire break area once the dozers got to work. I spent most of my time riding a dirt bike helping the fire guys and neighbors with stuff. Had a great adventure doing it. We were fortunate after the main fire passed the side fires were mostly on the ground like old Indian fires which burn slowly and can be fought with dozers and back fires. California doesn’t manage it’s forests so the alternative is to just burn them a complete waste.

  3. DAVID EVANS..upriver... says:

    How close was the fire to your digs?….This year we dodged any risk…
    I’ve had years tho, one time a 1500 men..& women with equipment just across the road..Another few times the choppers landing in the field next to me and leaving their bucket crew on the ground….I brought them drinks while the aircraft dipped into our swimming hole all day…
    I even viewed a Chinook doing duty and it’s very tight dipping into my river, very talented pilots for sure!
    Take Care..

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