Forest Ride, But My Lowered Bike Had Some Problems

Monday November 27, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Forest ride

Barry showed up for a ride today. Seemed like a good time to test out the bike I lowered the other day. We took off.Barry1


Hot disc brake

I’ve been noticing my back brake has been running a bit hot, so I told Barry we needed to return to my house to loosen up the brake’s foot lever. It was easy to do. We headed back up into the hills to continue our ride.btakes


Old road explore

We rode around for awhile then I told Barry I wanted to check out this old road I saw to see about maybe getting it opened up some day. That is an old road Barry’s walking on, but it dead ended just up ahead.oldroad


We took a short cut heading back and had to go down this steep hill to get back to the bikes.hill


More bike troubles

Shortly after that, my bike started making a weird noise at the back tire. I looked and found the lowered bike had caused the tire to rub and was tearing a mud guard off. Darn.

I told Barry we’d need to return to my house before it did tear the mud guard off and it would be harder to fix, so we headed for home. I decided to park that bike and ride my other older bike, so we took off again.

Rest area

Eventually, we ended up at our rest area at the top of the mountain for a break.view


We rode around some more before heading back to my place where Barry headed for his home.

Broken bike

After a break, I got some tools out to see what I needed to do to adjust the rear shock to put more pressure on the rear shock to hopefully stop the tire from rubbing on that mud guard the tire was trying to tear


The problem was the rear shock adjustment was in a tight spot, in there somewhere.tight


There’s the rear shock and it takes a spanner wrench to adjust it which I don’t have so I couldn’t adjust it today. I ordered up a spanner wrench which I hope is the right size to fix this.shock


In the mean time, I’ll just ride the older bike.

Nice day.

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