Forest Ride, Poppy Seeds, Coordinates and Some Hiking

Tuesday May 21, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Forest ride

Barry showed up this morning for a bike ride. I joined him and we rode up to this spot. Barry decided to enter some coordinates on his mapping app on his phone. He was mostly going to enter all the spring areas.bikes1


We also checked out some old roads on my cousin’s place, mostly just to see where they went in the forest.wa;l2

Poppy seeds

Barry had also brought up some poppy seed pods from his place and was scattering them around where ever we went.gate3


We stopped here to enter the springs coordinates and to get some water.spring4


He scattered poppy seeds by the pond and entered the coordinates.pond5

He stopped to scatter poppy seeds here. The Scotch broom is blooming nicely.broom6

From there we headed up to our rest spot where Barry scattered more poppy seeds and we took a break there.seeds7

Another boring day with just blue sky. Just kidding.view8

Stopping for a hike

Barry wanted to check out an old trail down the hill from this spot, so we stopped and started on a hike down the hill on the old trail.hike9

We hiked down this trail. Going down means we’d have to hike back up the hill. We were hunting up some old plastic water pipe I have a use for soon.trail10

The trail ended in this brushy spot. You can see the black plastic pipe on the ground, just behind him.pipe11

From there we rode on home and Barry took off. I went in for a much needed nap.

Nice day.

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