Van Solar Project, Pipeline Work and Talking Road Repairs With Jim

Wednesday May 22, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Van work project

I installed the batteries, one of them being my new lithium battery. The lithium battery is the reason I’m updating this system as it likes a different way of charging it.

I’m soldering on the wire ends that are used to bolt them to the unit and batteries.batteries2

This is the control unit I’m getting ready to hook up once all the wire connectors are on the wires.controller1

I think I have the unit all ready to hook up as I’ve got all the wires ready, but not today.

I like to be fresh to hook stuff up to have a better chance of getting things right as a wrong hookup of this type of stuff can burn stuff out easily.

Checking up on Jim

I’m helping a neighbor fix up the main road to all my neighbors’ places. He said he was going to be up there cutting up wood to get it out of the way. I rode on up there and found him hard at it.

He was parked in the middle of the road so I pulled in behind him.woodtruck3

Jim’s clearing the wood out of this area for firewood.  He needs to get it cleaned up so we can do some work on the road.jiom4

We made an appointment to meet at five, a bit later, to check out what we needed to do to repair the road.

Pipeline trail work

I had a couple of hours before we needed to meetup, so I rode on down to the area I was working on the pipeline ditch and parked here at the bottom of it to do some work.rig5

I walked up along the red flags and started digging away.pipeline6

Before I knew it, it was almost five so I headed on home to exchange my rig for my dirt bike and headed back up the hill to meetup with Jim.

I met him at the turn around. He said his young daughter would be along soon to go with us so we waited a bit until she showed up.jim7

She showed up on her motor bike and we took off but in the wrong direction as Jim thought a road was open that wasn’t, so we turned that mistake into a little bike ride and made it to the top where we usually take a break.top8

There’s always a nice view from this spot.view9

Here is Jim and his daughter, Jaycee, where we stopped to check out some ditches and a culvert we need to work on. Then we traveled on down that road to the left which is a main road up the hill for all the neighbors and we talked about what Jim needed to do so I can work on it with Skiddy. Jim had to do his part, so I can do my part.roders10

After that Jaycee took off to tend her two horses and Jim and I rode on over to the Bush place where Jim needed some work done on his right of way road. The road was a mess with lots of slides but shouldn’t be too hard to repair.

On the way back we stopped at his house to look at a culvert that needed some work and made a plan for fixing that.

I took off for home. I was thinking about road repairs and not where I was going so found myself heading down the road that goes through the park which I don’t normally take as I don’t have a license on this bike for that. But, what the hey, eh. Whose going to catch me?

Nice day.

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