Van Electrical Work and More Work On the Pipeline

Monday May 20, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Van electrical work

I continued to work on hooking up the van’s new solar controller. I made good headway, but there’s still more to hookup.van1

I had to go up on the van’s roof to change the wires from the solar panels. The panels where hooked up with special type connectors which I didn’t have.connectors2

I got around the special connectors by cutting some wires and hooking them up with wire nuts. I put some silicone grease in each connector to protect them from moisture.connections3

Forest work

Around three, I rode up into the forest to work on digging my pipeline some more. I parked here and need to dig a trail on the right hillside where the red flag is located.bike4

That will get the pipe down to the road so  I can cross it with the pipe.pipeline6

Then I needed to continue digging down here from the road. I worked my way down the hill and dug until I was tired out.forest7

I got quite a bit done before I got too tired out and my body was screaming.pipeline5

I went on home for a good nap and something to eat.

Nice day.

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