Forest Trail Work, Beating the Rain

Saturday December 11, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Rain expected

Some rain was to come in sometime tonight so I wanted to get the part of the trail I was working on finished before it rained.

Trail work in the forest

So I got  my tools together and rode the quad runner up this trail. Note the sorrel is starting to grew. That’s the little green stuff we used to call sour grass as it’s sour when you eat it. It does make the forest look nice with the green ferns too.trail1


Work area

I rode up to this place and worked on the trail here. I put some redwood leaf mulch on the trail to finish it off and make it look nice.



Rest area

I  was fortunate to find this nice old redwood log to sit on for breaks. I used the one with the green moss on it often today.sutlog2


Nice place to work

That took  most of the day just working away in the peaceful forest.

Headed home

I did get done a bit before it got dark and road on up this rode towards home.road4


And a left turn here.left5


And almost down the hill. I took the road to the right which leads on down the hill.roads6


When I hit the flat at the bottom I scooted through here.grassroad7



My chickens were already in the roost when I got home but when they heard me pull in these ones ran out to get me to open the gate to the front yard so they can graze a bit in that part of the yard.chickens8


Ok, I opened the gate and watched them eagerly graze on the grass there.grazing


Nice day.

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One Response to Forest Trail Work, Beating the Rain

  1. Barb in Florida says:

    Bob, how could you stay playing in the woods
    knowing those chickens are waiting at the gate for you?

    I’m just kidding. Pretty smart knowing/hearing you’re back
    so they can go out. Have a nice day!

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