Grass Fed Beef at Salmon Creek Ranch

Wednesday 17, 2016 Bodega CA.

Visiting Salmon Creek Ranch

The weather guys said it was going to rain today and be windy too. So, I thought it would be a good day to get in touch with Salmon Creek Ranch to see about getting some grass fed beef which they have frozen. I called and talked with them and they said they’d be there and gave me directions on how to get to their ranch near Bodega CA.

Taking care of business

But first I called my VA coordinator to see if my third party allergy appointment could be made yet. The lady said she’d make it now and call me back, so I waited a bit when she called back and said she faxed my stuff to the Doc and I could make an appointment with them by tomorrow. Great.

Forgot the camera

I headed for town and stopped and got gas and realized I forgot my camera so I went back to the house for it, only a couple miles. I wanted it to take some photos of the Salmon Creek Ranch as I knew it was up in the foothills near the ocean and would be all green with spring grass.

Anyway, I headed out, through Monte Rio, Occidental, Freestone and the town of Bodega. I turned off on Bay Hill Road and started up the hill. road


Entrance to the ranch

Somehow I missed their gate and had to turn around and come back down the road. I stopped and opened the gate and went on in, closing the gate of course.entrance


I went past this herd of goats on the way in. Nice and green up here.goats


I’m heading down to the house and store area, almost there.salmoncreek


The beef place

Salmon Creek Ranch Web Page Here

The store area was easy to find. I pulled in and got out of my car with camera in hand. They must of thought I was a tourist type. :O)store


Something to eat

I met Lesley and we pulled about two hundred dollars of grass fed meat out of her freezer. I wasn’t looking for steaks. I just need something to eat. I mostly bought London Broils and some chuck and roasts. My diet will now be this beef and oranges from my brother who grows them in Healdsburg in hopes that I can get the corn out of my system. So far, I think this is my best bet after about seven years of trying to get the corn out of  my diet. I hear it takes two weeks to a month or more to clear stuff from your system, so we’ll see. Any improvement would be nice.

I loaded up my car and headed on out, noticing all these ducks. They sell duck eggs too.ducks


Big dog

There were some more goats in this pen, but mostly I was watching the big dog that had a good bark. But I could see the dog had it’s game of running and following my car out, which looked more like he was having fun then doing guard duty.bigdog


Bodega Bay

As long as I was at Bodega, I decided to take a ride out to what they call the Head at Bodega Bay, so I headed on over there.

I went by Spud Point where there is a lot of fishing


And by the Bodega Bay Jetties where boats enter Bodega Bay.jetty


The Head

I drove up the hill to the Head which is an overlook. It’s good place to spot whale’s and such on a nice day, but not today as some rain was coming in.

This was looing north from the Head overlook. Jenner be up there about as far as you can see on the coastline.head


I looked around a bit, then headed on back down the road going by the fishing boat area again where there are crab pots laying around everywhere. That’s because crab season was called off this year.crabots


Jenner overlook

I headed on up highway one to Jenner where the winds weren’t as bad as the weather guys said and it wasn’t raining yet. I was headed to the overlook just past Jenner on highway one that overlooks the river’s mouth area.

This is what the overlook, looked like, looking up the Russian River.overlook


The river’s mouth is open and the ocean isn’t that rough at the moment.jennerjetty


Some harbor seals were resting on the beach by the open mouth. Note the big cement rock on the end of the jetty seems to be getting ready to break off.seals


Here’s a closer look at it. The crack seems to be getting larger so maybe what’s left of the block is about ready to break into the ocean. This will be the second block I’ve seen erode and wash away in just a few years.blockjetty


I went on home and put my meat away and then took it easy for most of the rest of the day.

Allergy appointment

At 4:30, I decided to try to make my allergy appointment so I gave them a call. I got one, but I have to wait almost a month for it. I could get another doc but that seems like too much trouble so I’ll wait and eat my beef and oranges and hope things get better. The end result of the allergy Doc will be to abstain from corn stuff which I’m trying to do now anyway. My main reason for going to the Allergist is to see what else I might be allergic to.

I did a little puttering in the yard and then it got dark, so that was my day.

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